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Adding a Customer

In the FleetManager a Customer is needed before adding a department. Customers serve as a means to make subgroups for separate companies or customers.

In this article we go over the process of adding a new customer to the FleetManager.

In order to complete this you will need the following:

  1. Access through a web browser (Edge, Chrome, Firefox) to the FleetManager Provisioning Tool.
Adding a customer overview
  • To access the page to add a customer, along the top navigation go to Customers then Add Customer.

  • The table shows all the Customers that have already been added to the FleetManager.

  • Below that table is the form used to add a new Customer to the FleetManager.

Adding a customer form overview
  • Customer Name – This is usually the name of your company, or the company using the Fleet Manager.

    Email – Speeding Alerts or Radio Registrations will be sent to this email address. Choose what alerts to send by checking an option under Alerts to Email.

  • Speeding Threshold – Specifies the speed (in m/s) at which the speeding alarm will be raised in the clients Websuite.

  • Lone Worker Interval – The time required between check-ins for “Lone Workers”.

  • Choose Add to create your new customer.

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